The Things that Make You Feel Don’t Have to Scare You

Finding bravery through untethered expression.

Written by Jake Levyns


No matter what anyone says, it’s okay to despair over being stuck in place. Some days it seems easier to give up, but nothing makes you stronger than pushing through the upsets and coming out the other side with a new outlook on where and who you are. What we think of as the bad days could really just be moments where our outlook faces interference and seems too much to reconcile. Of course, some things that appear bigger than us feel like this, but they aren’t problems you’ll ever face alone. Remembering there is at least one person out there who knows what you’re thinking and needs the lifeline your experience provides is the first step to honing in on the power you have to bring about change.

Too often, people keep quiet about what they know will be their saving grace out of fear that those they value won’t accept it. One of the reasons I started writing was to make sense of what I thought was impossible and couldn't fathom anyone knowing about me. Accepting yourself is a double-edged sword, but like any problem, it can't be faced until you come to terms with it. Even if it has to be done alone, the relief you’ll feel later will far outweigh the discomfort of not knowing at all. If I had to call it a benefit, quarantine has given me more time than I’ve ever had to make peace with where my life has taken me; not all of it is ideal, but it's gotten me farther than I’d be if I kept quiet.

If fear of the inevitable is making you feel distant from those you love, the time to speak up is now, before an opportunity passes. Easier said than done, sure, but not impossible without the right people in your corner. Not everyone will want to listen, and that's to be expected depending on what it is that's weighing on you, and should the fear of being disregarded become reality, all you really need is yourself to get back up. Whatever the universe has you believing, we’re heading in a promising direction, and we have a responsibility to ourselves and others to never forget what we’re up against and be persistent on the road to new beginnings. Things will get better, but in the meantime, don’t hesitate to yell: Hey Siri, Play “Still Learning” by Halsey.


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