5 Ways to Improve Your Sleep Health

Small but effective ways to get your best rest

Written by Kelly Carbone


With COVID causing major schedule changes and the rise of quarantine fatigue, it’s only understandable that many people’s sleep schedules and sleep health are suffering. If you’re entering into those dark winter months worried about how the extra hit to your rest (and eventually your mood) will impact you, no need to fret. There are plenty of tiny changes you can make in your routine to help improve your sleep quality. Check out the list below for the most essential tips.

Limit Screen Time An Hour Before Bed

It’s no secret that using any type of electronic device before bedtime can severely mess with your sleep cycle. By attempting to stop using devices at least an hour before bedtime you give your body a chance to recover from your blue light use. A little adjustment you can make to help you do this is by using the Time Limit feature on your phone. Most iPhones also come with a Bedtime feature that allows you to set a bedtime and a wake-up time for each day and will track your sleep for the night.


Invest in Blue Light Glasses

The biggest culprit to many of our sleep problems is the excessive amount of blue light we take in throughout the day and before going to bed. Now that most of us are working remotely, our online activity and blue light intake has heavily increased. To combat this extra blue light intake and Zoom fatigue, invest in a pair of blue light glasses. These glasses are more than just a popular new trend; there are also claims that they can help improve your sleep quality and reduce the strain blue light has on our bodies.


Stretch or Meditate in the Evening

We’ve all had a time or two when we’ve been exhausted but the second your head hits the pillow your brain starts racing with all the mindless tasks you forgot to do or haven’t done yet or have to do tomorrow. There’s a simple way to solve this problem. By taking some time to stretch or meditate before going to bed you give your body a chance to wind down and your mind a chance to quiet. Free apps like Headspace and Calm let you pick from guided “bedtime stories” or quick breathing exercises and are extremely helpful in creating a sense of calm that will help you drift peacefully off to sleep.


Be Mindful of Time Spent Napping

When you’re having trouble sleeping it’s only natural to want to take a nap during the day to catch up for all the hours you missed. Although naps can help with productivity and awareness, it is important to keep in mind how you are napping and how long you are resting for. Make sure you’re not asleep for more than 20 minutes and never less than 3 hours before you are actually going to bed for the night, otherwise your refreshing nap might cause grogginess and add to your trouble falling asleep.


Set Up a Proper Sleep Environment

One of the biggest things you can do when trying to improve your sleep health is setting up a proper sleep environment. This means limiting light, clutter, and noise around your bed. If you are in an environment where things such as light and noise are out of your control, invest in a sleeping mask and some noise canceling headphones. A white noise machine or chamomile pillow spray can also help create a sense of calm and a peaceful sleep environment.


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