4 Tips For Healthy Green Plants

Tips and tricks we’ve learned for healthy plants and lively indoor jungles.

Houseplants provide a bevy of benefits and promote all around positive vibrations. They add a certain coziness to small apartments and give large sun filled spaces a living aesthetic that feels like an indoor jungle. The scene seems beautiful and serene but the upkeep and maintenance can feel daunting when thinking of the ever growing lists of to-do-tasks of the day. But maintaining healthy plants doesn’t have to be a chore or stressful job. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Caring for houseplants has been proven to calm the mind, lower stress and provide mental clarity and ease. These quick tips will help you easily care for your plants, whether you have 2 or are cultivating your own indoor jungle.

Tip 1: Turn pots for optimal sunlight

Every new plant comes with a small info tab for sunlight and watering guidelines but almost every plant can benefit from a good amount of sunlight. So while it’s ok to place your “need’s low light” plant in the shadows, it’s likely that your plant will thrive in a sun filled space. You may notice your plant leaning or reaching a bit to a more sunlit spot, basically begging for more light. To keep them growing tall and straight, slightly turn pots every couple of months so that plants can get ample sun. Let your plants to bathe in sunlight and watch their growth and vitality increase tremendously.


Tip 2: Succulents need more sun than water

Succulents are cute and deemed easy to care for, yet one mistake happens all too often. Overwatering. Succulent plants behave similarly to cacti in that they need little watering and loads of sunlight. Their stems and leaves are built to hold water in so they don’t need to be watered as often as leafier plants. There are many shapes, sizes and types of succulents so it is important to find the amount of water that works best for yours, but you’ll definitely be watering them less than you think. To ensure that your succulent lives its best life place it in a spacious window with easy access to lots of sunlight and room to grow.


Tip 3: Set a watering schedule

Even with just a few plants maintaining a watering schedule can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to be a hassle. A consistent watering schedules ensures that the roots stay moist and that plants are getting a sufficient amount of water. Start by grouping plants together by their watering needs, then create a schedule for each group. With lots of ranges of plants, it’s likely that there will be two watering days to make certain low water plants don’t’ get overwatered. Keeping a written log is a good way to stay on track and will help your indoor jungle grow bountifully.


Tip 4: Repurpose broken limbs

Every so often a piece or “limb” of a plant will fall off. A broken limb can be annoying but it’s also the start of new life. If you find a broken limb of one of your plants place it in a glass jar or vase filled with water. The limb will eventually sprout roots of its own creating a vibrant new plant. While you can replant it into dirt, I like to leave mine in the vase and use them as decoration around the house. Think of it as one less dirt filled pot and more plant to brighten up my collection and home.


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