“Think Nipsey Hussle meets Traci Ellis Ross”- Chris Bible, Beauty Maven & Mentor


The months of staying home, staying safe and staying distant have altered day-to-day life in almost every way. Yet as we are adjusting to this new normal, it’s hard to envision what life would’ve been had the world not given us the time to slow down. Ahead we spoke to 5 women creatives to see just how quarantine has affected their routines, rituals, and daily relationship with self-care.


Chris Bibile @chriscbible

Chris Bible is the founder and owner of She Loves Lashes, a beauty bar and retail shop offering an array of beauty services, training academy and signature products, and The Sweet Spot a women’s entrepreneur workshop and mentorship program that cultivates an opportunity for women to network, build resources and grow their business through their community. 


What does your daily self-care routine look like?

While it’s wonderful to have a routine, I don’t allow myself to get anxiety the minute my routine gets disrupted. I do practice morning and evening rituals as I believe how you start your day is just as important as you end it.

Morning: Wake up and say 3 things I’m grateful for before getting out of bed and checking my phone. Starting my day with a heart of gratitude is a must! Each day those 3 things change. I focus on eating a light healthy breakfast to avoid feeling groggy and bloated throughout the day. Lastly, I like to get some vitamin D and let the warmth of the sun fill my spirit.

Evenings: At least 2-3 times a week I’ll choose from giving myself a mini facial, indulge in a body scrub, read and/or mediate. I also allow time to have a glass a wine and watch a guilty pleasure like Issa Rae’s Insecure or The Chi on HBO. Ya girl has to unwind. 

How has quarantine shifted your practice?

The major difference I see in my self-care routines during quarantine is the fact there’s no excuse NOT to make time for it. If anything, I do things for myself more often. Self-care is a 360-degree regimen. Women need to nurture our mental, physical and emotionally wellbeing in addition to our work life, finances, social and environment as well. So it’s about implementing healthy decisions that harvest seeds of succes.

How do define your relationship with self-care?

It’s the ying to my yang. I can’t give what I don’t have. So taking care of myself allows me to stay creative and focused on sustaining and scaling my business. When I’m exhausted, emotionally drained and not securing the boundaries I set for my peace of mind, my business takes a huge hit. It shows in the tasks I forget or do half ass. That results in a poor experience for my audience and customer. That’s a risk I can’t take, especially in the climate of COVID-19.


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