“Every day we have an opportunity to fine tune our practices”- Ashelea, Skin Care Founder, Yogi & Mother


The months of staying home, staying safe and staying distant have altered day-to-day life in almost every way. Yet as we are adjusting to this new normal, it’s hard to envision what life would’ve been had the world not given us the time to slow down. Ahead we spoke to 5 women creatives to see just how quarantine has affected their routines, rituals, and daily relationship with self-care.


Ashelea Pinzon @thebizmindyogi

Ashelea is the creator of Consume Better, a vegan skin care line built on the pillars of ethics, intention, awareness and love, and a prominent yoga instructor.

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What does your daily self-care routine look like?

"I wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy." Kidding, lol! I tend to rise early in the morning, brew a hot cup of digestion tea, practice yoga for 1 hour, and then read my Bible to send a group text out to my accountability sisters. The rest of the day, I'm balancing working from home, practice, and building a new business while mothering my 8-year-old and keeping her stimulated. My mind is constantly creating, so...sleep has been difficult.

How has quarantine shifted your practice?

Quarantine has offered a lot of time to slow down and focus on intentional quality time. Though it comes with a unique set of challenges for business and motherhood (without going crazy lol) it's been a blessing more than anything. Being able to be home with my daughter, get to KNOW her, and understand how her day worked at school has been a gift. And- though I didn't expect THIS, the things we ask for tend to manifest. I've also had time to address some emotional trauma - rather than suppressing it by being busy and moving on. Right now teaching and healing has been my primary quest this year.

How do define your relationship with self-care?

Well, I'm definitely learning how to balance more! Many times I've forced myself to shut off my computer, light some candles and relax my mind in the bathtub. Or, just spend a day away from work and emails completely. I know that sounds crazy for some. but I have to create boundaries because I will work myself into the ground. Creating even the smallest of boundaries are important. But, honestly, seeing people fall in love with my products and then checking back in with me to share their story has been so uplifting, and helps me know I'm on the right path.

Consume Better, speaks to the urgency and necessity of self-care. I truly believe it is a matter of life and death. That we have a responsibility to our creator to nurture the Earthly home we've been given and... while it takes a life time to master, every day we have an opportunity to fine tune our self-care and self-love practices. The internet is crawling with people and businesses capitalizing on the "idea" of self-care without actually offering perspective as to what it means to truly care for every aspect of your being. For me, I realized it starts with the things I consumed. Diet, music, television, podcasts, gossip, friends, literature, etc. every. single. thing. matters. Skin care is a fun, easy way to introduce that conversation with people.


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