Diving Into TikTok’s Latest Beauty Trend: Gua Sha

Explore the history and benefits of this ancient Chinese treatment.

Written by Kelly Carbone

Interest in gua sha has made a recent spike in popularity in the American beauty community. Jade and quartz gua sha tools can be found at many Urban Outfitters or Etsy shops, and coordinating face sculpting TikToks are frequently popping up on the app’s popular page. However this new trend has been around for centuries, some think even as far back as the Paleolithic Age. Originally used for medical purposes this practice became popular in Eastern medicine methods and was commonly used to treat skin conditions and help direct blocked chi (also known as qi in Chinese philosophy). Although the purpose of this practice has changed over time, there are still many effective modern day benefits gua sha can provide. Check out the list below and get ready to enter a new phase of self care.

Increases Blood Flow and Improves Circulation

Due to the repetitive sculpting motion involved in gua sha, the practice is great for aiding in better circulation. When used on the face this can make skin look younger and brighter by increasing blood flow and allowing for more nutrients to be carried to your skin cells. Similar to when a facialist massages your face after applying oils, gua sha can be used to help the skin absorb serums left from beauty products or at home facials.

Reduces Puffiness

This practice is also extremely helpful in assisting in lymphatic drainage which helps reduce puffiness, especially in the face. Use your gua sha tool consistently (making sure to use diagonally upward motions) in order to get rid of those pesky undereye bags or alleviate symptoms of allergies, colds, and hangovers.

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Helps Tone and Sculpt the Face

If you’ve discovered gua sha through TikTok then you are definitely familiar with this benefit. You’ve seen the videos. You know, those ones where after a week of gua sha the TikToker’s jawline is magically and noticeably sharper; well turns out they’re no lie. When applied in the right direction and incorporated into your daily routine, this tool can begin to transform your face in a perfectly natural and inexpensive way. A sharper jawline, more defined cheekbones, and a reduction in wrinkles can all be within your grasp with just a few scrapes of your gua sha tool.

Eases Tension and Aches

Gua sha began as a medical technique to help with aches and pains and this ancient practice can still be used to help with some very modern ailments. If you suffer from chronic headaches and pain or are just a little sore from daily activity this tool can be used to help alleviate pressure. Just make sure to research the correct pressure points and use soft and gentle motions so that the tool doesn’t cause more harm than good.


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