An Introduction to Crystal Healing

The prettiest way to transform your meditative practice.

Written by: Katie Teas

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Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but there are thousands of other naturally occurring minerals in close competition. Aside from their undeniable beauty, crystals have been used for their spiritual healing powers from as early as 4,000 B.C. when the Ancient Sumerians were recorded incorporating crystals into their magic.

Today, crystal healing is used in a variety of healing practices including reiki, massage therapy, acupuncture, skin care, tarot, astrology, meditation and yoga. At-home users can enjoy the benefits of crystals in spiritual practice as well as their aesthetic beauty as home decor. Each of the over 4,000 crystal varieties are known to have unique healing properties. 

There are plenty of in-depth resources available both online and in print for true exploration of the vast field of crystal healing. Want to skip the research? We’ve compiled a brief introduction to the six gemstones that every spiritual practitioner needs in their collection. 


Clear quartz

Clear quartz is a translucent crystalline mineral widely known as the “master healer” of crystals. Though this amplifying crystal is said to intensify the effects of other crystals, its own properties are impressive as well. Clear quartz is used to deflect negative energy and purify the soul, making it a staple in any collection. Use clear quartz in your everyday life by keeping a small piece in your pocket or under your pillow.


Rose quartz

Another variety of quartz, rose quartz is the stone of universal love. The pale pink hue symbolizes femininity and romance. This crystal is meant to attract love and open the heart to positive energy. Place a piece of rose quartz over the heart while meditating or manifesting and place a tumbled stone in your bedroom for added feng shui benefits.



Widely considered one of the most visually stunning crystals, labradorite is the stone of transformation. A shape shifter itself, labradorite is characterized by its “flash” as the color changes when tilted. Labradorite comes in several color varieties but is most commonly seen in blue and green, with a blue flash symbolizing new beginnings. This powerful stone is used to strengthen intuition and protect the user’s aura. Place a piece of labradorite between the eyes while meditating to stimulate the third eye chakra.



Selenite is unique in its ability to cleanse all other crystals, essentially ridding them of negative energy. Spiritual practitioners typically place any new crystal over a slab of selenite in order to purify the stone from any previous energy with which it may have come into contact. Furthermore, selenite is known to increase clarity in judgment. Look for a large, flat piece or even a selenite bowl to most effectively cleanse your crystal collection. 



Amethyst is a very common and affordable variety of quartz. It ranges from lavender to deep purple and is said to assist in sobriety -- consider picking up a piece of amethyst if you plan on partaking in sober October! Amethyst is also known to provoke vivid dreams when placed next to the bed at night. Leave a piece of amethyst on your nightstand or under your pillow when practicing lucid dreaming or astral projecting (if you’re into that). Otherwise, consider purchasing an amethyst pendant to clarify the mind while wearing.



Citrine’s gorgeous golden hue is symbolic of its reputation of being the stone of happiness. This crystal is most commonly used to bring joy and enthusiasm into its user’s life. If you’re looking to take a more optimistic outlook on life, allow citrine to guide you. Keep a piece of citrine on your person to induce positive energy as you go about your day -- this beautiful gemstone is perfect for jewelry.


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