E.L.F Released A New Line Of Mood Lifting Facial Oil Mists

The mid-day lift your skin and spirits didn’t know it needed

Written by Jessica Fields

Image courtesy of E.L.F

Image courtesy of E.L.F

So many days deep in quarantine and your bathroom is probably overflowing with products and summer beauty hauls, but just when you think you’ve tried everything E.L.F silently drops a new line of must have products. Just this week the cult favorite brand released a collection of 6 facial oil mists meant to enhance your mood and improve your skin.

Unlike an essence or hydrating spray, these facial mists are oil based and work similarly to aromatherapy scents. Each mist is uniquely blended to activate and improve your mood which, given the recent events of the past few months and the tropical storm we’re heading into, sounds like the product our medicine cabinets have been missing. With ingredients like lavender oil and chamomile in the Calming Mist or geranium oil, known to promote focus, in the Balancing Mist these are not your typical face oils or sprays.

But first and foremost E.L.F is a beauty brand. So, this collection is as much rooted in wellness as it is in skincare. The mists boast skin loving ingredients like aloe vera, green tea extract, rose water and good ole hyaluronic acid. Like everything E.L.F produces these facial oils are cruelty free, vegan and affordable. At just $5.00 a bottle it’s hard to choose just one of these mood lifting mists, so why not spring for all 6. Shop the full collection at E.L.F.


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