Why We’re Downgrading Our Skin Care Routines Come 2021

Give yourself a break from that 10-step nighttime ritual.

Written by Katie Teas


Once upon a time, skin care meant a quick morning rinse with lukewarm water and a slathering of cold cream at night. We’ve come a long way since the days of our mothers dabbing toothpaste on our zits -- now, our medicine cabinets are stocked with glittering serums, heat-reactive masks and  a lineup of potions that could pass for a chemistry set at first glance. But is it all necessary? Not necessarily. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with a lengthier skin care routine (after all you do know your skin best!), lightening the load can be beneficial. As we begin to transition into a new year, a sure sign of new routines, there is something to be said for minimizing these daily rituals. This year, we’re downgrading our skin care routines. Here’s why:


1. Less can be more!

You’ve implemented the hottest new serums, sprays and scrubs into your daily ritual, and spent hours researching the latest crazes and dumped hundreds of dollars into mirroring that ten-step routine your favorite beauty vlogger raves about. So why isn’t it working? If your skin appears irritated, dry or more acne-prone than ever, the key might be downsizing your regimen. Our natural tendency is to panic when we see signs of skin trouble, but overcorrecting often creates new issues for sensitive faces. More often than not, problem skin can benefit the most from a gentle cleanser and noncomedogenic moisturizer -- or a few staple products that your dermatologist can recommend.


2. Treat the problem, not the symptom.

Climate. Diet. Stress. Hormones. These are only a few items on the laundry list of factors that can affect your skin. If the mere sight of dairy provokes a breakout, the newest acne-zapping balm will only act as a bandaid. If your skin only glows in humidity, upping your water intake may be more effective than fleeing to Sephora. Skin care products can be incredibly helpful and often necessary, but the biggest favor you can do for your skin is get to the root of the issue and work from the inside out. 


3. Sustainability is sexy!

Your medicine cabinet might be full of bottles stamped with eco-friendly labels, but the more minimal your regimen is, the happier the planet is. The constant buying, trying, using and throwing away can be a massive addition to your environmental footprint. Perfecting your skin care routine typically means trial and error; if you’re working with a dozen products at a time, the possibility for waste is monumental. Purify your skin and purify the planet with a simple skin care routine -- your body and your environment will thank you.


4. Honestly, it’s just easier

The early phases of quarantine gave us plenty of time to sit in our bathrobes for hours on end playing with new skin care products. But as the world begins to open up, our lives are returning to their default state of go. People are returning to their offices, kids are going back to school -- we’re busy again. At the end of a long day, after almost eight months of stagnancy, hunching over the bathroom counter faced with an arsenal of lotions seems borderline torturous. We are all adjusting from the new normal to the new, new normal -- give yourself a break. Take your makeup off, rinse your face and go to sleep. We promise it won’t hurt.

If you’re not sure where to start, the recommended basics for a simplified skin care routine are cleanser, moisturizer and SPF in the morning. Exfoliate once or twice per week and implement a serum or toner if you need it. When in doubt, fall back onto the time honored adage of keep it simple, stupid. Your dermatologist is always your best resource -- chances are, they will tell you the same.


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