DIY Face Masks: Skin Care At Its Most Natural

An honest, easy-to-follow review

Written by: Kelly Carbone


With quarantine blues and new fall weather hitting everyone, a little self care (and moisturization!) is important. That said what better way to indulge yourself and hydrate your face than a good ole face mask? If you don’t want to break the bank, don’t fret; there are plenty of masks you can make at home using ingredients in your own kitchen. We tested three popular recipes below to help you decide where to start.


Mask # 1: Egg and Rum Mask

Skin type: Combination skin

How to make: Mix 1 egg, 5 tablespoons of rum, ⅛ cup of olive oil, and 5 tablespoons of honey together. This should create a light yellow mixture that will appear clear on the face and have the consistency of a gel mask. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off with cold water.

Benefits: The rum has an antibacterial effect that claims to help with acne. The combination of egg, olive oil, and honey is also extremely moisturizing. This mixture can also double as a hair mask.

Difficulty Rating: 5/5. This mask was very easy to make and includes ingredients most people would already have in their kitchen.

Final thoughts: Having combination skin I was a little concerned that putting olive oil on my face would turn into one big greasy mess but this mask pleasantly surprised me. When I washed the mask off I was left with a nice cooling feeling and the combined smell of honey and rum was actually very nice. The next morning my skin felt very soft and moisturized. I even found that the small breakout on my chin was a lot better than the previous day, even with the inclusion of olive oil in the mask (so maybe rum does have more of a purpose than making that Mai Tai taste amazing). Overall I thought this was a really nice mask that I would definitely make again. I think it’s perfect for the start of fall, when the cool weather starts drying out your skin.


Mask # 2: Turmeric and Honey Mask

Skin type: Dry skin

How to make: Mix 1 tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of turmeric until it creates a golden gel. Apply to the face and leave on for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

Benefits: Honey creates a moisturizing effect while the turmeric acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Difficulty Rating: 4/5. This mask was very simple and easy to make. However the turmeric can stain so you need to be careful with how you handle it, and make sure you wash the mix off completely with paper towels so as not to stain your linen. 

Final thoughts: Although it can be slightly messy to handle, this mask worked extremely well and resulted in radiant and glowing skin that lasted well after application.  It’s one you will definitely use again and again.  


Mask # 3: Honey and Cinnamon Mask

Skin type: Sensitive skin

How to make: Mix one tablespoon of cinnamon and 3 tablespoons of honey in a small bowl until a reddish brown paste is formed. Microwave for 20 seconds and allow to cool before applying to your face. Leave on for 10 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Benefits: Honey adds a moisturizing effect to this mask while the cinnamon acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Difficulty Rating:  5/5. With only 2 ingredients and minimal prep work, this was definitely the easiest mask to make.

Final thoughts: his mask was one of the harder ones to apply since the sticky consistency made it hard to spread evenly onto the face. The mask also left a short burning sensation lasting no more than 5 minutes when taking off so it would probably be best for non-sensitive skin. However, it smelled amazing (the cinnamon makes for the perfect fall scent!) and left extremely soft and moisturized skin the next day. It would be perfect for those looking for a fresh and renewed feeling (but again, if you have sensitive skin I would not recommend).  


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