It’s Time To Give Some Thought To Digital Detoxing

A 3 step guide to customizing your digital cleanse

Written by Jessica Fields


You’ve heard the phrase “Digital Detox” and maybe you’ve even given it some thought, but committing to time without one of your devices probably seemed unnecessary. So the idea was likely lost just as quick as it came. But given our current WFH status and the leisure hours spent watching Netflix and scrolling social media, it’s hard to think of what a night, day or dare we say week would look like without phones, laptops, computers and IPads. In a given week daily phone usage alone can give insight to the amount of hour hours you spend plugged in, and while the hours noted may seem incredibly high, we tend to pass it off as normalcy. But that’s exactly why a digital detox every now and then is essential for a healthy work/life balance.

Taking a designated break from all thing’s tech can actually calm stress levels and help reset the mind and body to clearer planes. Over the years there has been lots of research proving that the use of devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops at night can disrupt sleep patterns and even decrease the quality to rest you get. In fact, excessive use of social media apps while in bed can negatively affect your mood while sleeping. A digital cleanse may seem hard at first but the routine is completely customizable and works differently for everyone. Finding the balance that works best for you, whether it be restricting usage times or a complete cleanse, is key and the experience is rewarding. Ahead are our tips for creating your own digital detox routine.


1. Create a “No Tech Zone”

To ease into your digital cleanse try making your bedroom a “no-tech-zone” for a couple of nights during the week. Instead of bringing your phone into bed try curling up with a good book or magazine. Journaling at night is another option and a great way to clear your mind from the events of the day. Writing can be meditative and removing yourself from the distractions of devices creates a positive space for you to get your thoughts out on paper.

2. Limit your screen time to working hours

Relaxing with a movie or your favorite show after work is always nice, but it can rack up hours of screen usage. It’s easy to get distracted during commercials and next thing you know your scrolling through your phone and watching TV. All that screen time can take a toll on your eyes and body. Give your eyes a break from the blue lights and your body some rest by resigning to stay offline after your working hours. Instead of scrolling through Instagram and Facebook, make plans to catch up with friends (socially distancing of course) in real life.

3. Turn off notifications

Even with putting the phone down it is extremely tempting to pick it up the instant we hear a beep, buzz or ding. The simple act of placing your phone on do not disturb or turning notifications off can have a positive and constructive effect on your mental health. Allowing yourself some space from the constant updates, messages, emails and more can help lower stress and aid in relaxing your mind. Take the evening off from notifications and have a meaningful and relaxing self-care night at home. Take a hot shower or long bath, light a soothing candle, try some new products and un-cloud and your mind.


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