A Busy Schedule Doesn’t Always Equal Fulfillment

When there’s pressure to work, no one wants to.

Written by Jake Levyns


We like to think that being productive will keep us away from what we look to avoid in solitude. In reality, this puts unreasonable pressure on us to fill our days with tasks we wouldn’t otherwise do. When we overwork ourselves, the milestones we reach become less significant and we are more concerned with what’s next to move on to. Instead of jumping into what you know doesn’t need to be done in the short term, consider these tips to put you on level ground and bring you back to a time when we were able to leave things behind us at the end of long workdays.

Commit to one task like your life hinges on it

As much as we find ambition in keeping a strong work ethic, sometimes the thought that we could do more makes us test our capacity for how much we can stand. I'm personally the biggest victim of this, and never learn anything from it besides the necessity to slow down. The next time your struggle to prioritize becomes too overbearing, remember there is always another day to do what you couldn’t the day before. That one task you chose to complete at full mindfulness will reorient you to the joy of reaching the end of a long process where time was of the essence.


Embrace your bad days by doing nothing

If you’ve not been getting much social interaction these last several months, it’s easy to hear what people have to say about your days working at home, or not, as a waste of time. I often tell myself that I would do more if I could, but that’s not an option when what’s available is so limited. Isn't taking what you can get the best alternative? There are two answers to this. On one hand, seeking out work takes patience, and the more you do to create a professional image the better your chances, but when it feels like all hope is lost, the most you can do is let yourself be upset. We all have days where getting out of bed is the last thing we want to do. Every once in a while it's okay to allow this; just don't wallow.


Always remember that your effort is enough

Especially when the work you do doesn’t allow space for instant gratification, the value you place on your presence in such environments all but disappears. It may sound redundant at this point, but it’s good to be reminded from time to time: no matter what, if you’re proud of the job you do, that should be enough to get by. Yes, being able to do more work for our own well-being is often a best-case scenario, but we should still save room to appreciate the minimums we put forth. After all, it’s the little things that push us to continue on when it’s most difficult.


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