Morning Mediations For Productivity & Balance

Start your day clear and focused using these 3 types of guided meditations.


Starting the day with a clear and focused mind is essential for productivity. But sometimes the stresses of life can hit you before you make it out of bed. It can be difficult to get over the hump and into clarity that early in the day but morning mediations can help. Studies have shown that meditating in the morning, whether it be 5 minutes or 15, can positively affect the way you handle stress, and give you the best mindset for tasks and decisions. You may already know the general benefits of meditation such as reducing anxiety and stress, and those benefits are often enhanced through meditations performed before the mind has a chance to wander. There are various styles with different aims but the key is consistency. So find a comfortable space, either laying down or sitting in a chair and begin one of these morning meditations. It’s sure to bring peace and energize you more than your daily cup of coffee.


Gratitude meditations make great morning mediations because they are rooted in self-love and promote emotional health and self-awareness. They are focused on expressing appreciation and thankfulness for the things around you and in your life. Allowing yourself the time to reflect and give gratefulness to all things around you, be it good or bad, can increase positivity and your overall outlook on the day ahead. Practicing self-love is important in general and gratitude meditations help elevate your sense of well-being allowing you to make more focused and caring decisions throughout the day.

A daily practice of gratitude can help shift the way you look at the world around you in a more positive way. It can give you the sense that you are enough a...



It’s quite common to have a foggy and unfocused mind first thing in the morning. Decluttering your mental space can center mind allowing you to make clearer decisions at work, home, school and more. Clarity mediations focus on providing a calm and relaxed feeling and peaceful mental state. They promote unclouded minds and increase levels of concentration that helps lengthen attention spans.

Enjoy this 15 minute morning meditation to start your day with clarity. When you are clear about what is important to you and live intentionally, you find cl...



Being kind to yourself might not be at the top of your to-do list before getting out of bed but it should be. Having consideration for your emotional health can aid in mental balance and attentiveness. Mindfulness meditations focus on bringing awareness to restless thoughts, emotions and anxious feelings that can get the best of you throughout the day. Practicing a mindfulness meditation first thing in the morning can help quiet those loud thoughts to stable your mind. They are most often used to alleviate stress and anxiety but make a great practice for clear and focused mornings.

Get your morning started off on the right foot with this guided mindfulness meditation. See how only 10 minutes first thing in the morning can keep you mindf...


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